Sunday, April 26, 2020

Wild Rose Becomes Iowa's State Flower - May 7, 1897

The Wild Prairie Rose was designated as the state flower in 1897.  The rose was chosen after it was used as the decoration on the silver service when the battleship USS Iowa was presented in that year 1897.  No particular species of the flower was designated by the Legislature, the Wild Prairie Rose (Rosa Pratincola) is most often cited as the official flower. Rosa blanda is most often given the honor of being the state flower, even though it is common only in the northern half of the state.  For more information see the ereference desk at

In our celebration of the day we celebrate all things roses.

A little tea time and a blooming flower are in order. You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me. ~ C.S. Lewis. 

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